Green Universe

Shaping Tomorrow,

Explore Green Universe, where our commitment goes beyond removing carbon. Discover how we invest in nature, creating positive social impact and cultivating a harmonious future. Join us in restoring balance to our planet.

Explore Green Universe, where our commitment goes beyond removing carbon. Discover how we invest in nature, creating positive social impact and cultivating a harmonious future. Join us in restoring balance to our planet

At Green Universe, our mission goes beyond carbon neutrality; we aim for positive impacts on nature and local communities. By empowering numerous households to achieve self-sufficiency and prioritizing biodiversity enrichment, our projects foster sustainable societal change.

Our Values:

  • Immediate Action
  • Reliability
  • Trust
  • Sustainability
  • Meaningful impact
  • Transparency
  • Advanced Technology Usage

We strive to create
meaningful and lasting
impact on the environment,
local communities, and
society as a whole.

We strive to create meaningful and lasting impact on the environment, local communities, and society as a whole.

Join us in our journey to create lasting positive impacts on nature and communities. Together, we can build a sustainable future for Madagascar and beyond.

Climate Change in Focus

Driven by a shared vision of mitigating
climate change and restoring nature, our
team is dedicated to implementing
projects that make a meaningful
difference. We aim to address pressing
environmental challenges such as
climate change and biodiversity loss
while empowering local communities

Driven by a shared  vision of mitigating climate change and restoring nature, our team is dedicated to implementing projects that make a meaningful difference. We aim to address pressing environmental challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss while empowering local communities.